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TULE, Philipus (2000) Religious Conflicts and a Culture of Tolerance: Paving the Way for Reconciliation in Indonesia. Antropologi Indonesia (63). pp. 91-107. ISSN 1693-6086
TULE, Philipus (1998) House-posts and the Baskets: Social Organisation of ‘Udi Worowatu People, Eastern Keo of Central Flores1. Antropolgi Indonesia (57). pp. 110-118. ISSN 1693-6086
TULE, Philipus (1998) The Indigenous Muslim Minority Group In Ma’undai (Keo) of Central Flores: Between the House of Islam and the House of Culture. Antropologi Indonesia (56). ISSN 1693-6086
TULE, Philipus (2020) We Are Children Of The Land: A Keo Perspective. In: Sharing the Earth, Dividing the Land. ANU Press, Indonesia, pp. 211-236.
TULE, Philipus (2009) Interfaith Marriages And Its Impact To The Family: A Lesson Learnt From East Nusa Tenggara Province. In: Mission And Violence: Healing The Lasting Damage. Madang : Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, p. 361. ISBN 9980-9956-2-9
TULE, Philipus (2009) Interreligious Dialogue discourse Among Indonesian University Students:Prospect and Challenge. In: Mission and Violence: Healing the Lasting Damage. Dwu Press, Indonesia, pp. 361-376. ISBN 9980-9956-2-9
TULE, Philipus (2007) Membangun Format Kerukunan Umat Beragama di Indonesia Menurut Pandangan Katolik. In: Pengembangan Kerukunan Umat Beragama di NTT. Ledalero, Indonesia, pp. 35-56. ISBN 979-25-4803-3
TULE, Philipus (2005) Antropologi Pembangunan dan Tantangan Pascamodern (pengantar). In: Antropologi Pembangunan dan Tantangan Pascamodern. Ledalero, Indonesia, v-xxi. ISBN 979-9447-81-X
TULE, Philipus (2020) Dari COVID-19 Menuju COVICH-20. Indonesia Satu, Indonesia.
TULE, Philipus (2020) Lebaran Tahun Ini Lebih Pribadi. Unika Widya Mandira, Kupang NTT.