The Effectiveness Of Using Small Group Discussion Technique In Teaching Procedure Text To Improve Writing Skill Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA Kristen 1 Kupang In The School Year Of 2014/2015

DENI, Darius (2015) The Effectiveness Of Using Small Group Discussion Technique In Teaching Procedure Text To Improve Writing Skill Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA Kristen 1 Kupang In The School Year Of 2014/2015. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira.

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This study is entitled “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING PROCEDURE TEXT TO IMPROVE WRITING SKILL OF THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA KRISTEN I KUPANG IN THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 2014/2015”. It was conducted to answer the following questions: (1). Is Small Group Discussion Technique effective to improve the writing ability of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Kristen I Kupang? (2). What is the student‟s level of writing after being taught by using small group discussion Technique? The objectives of the study are as follow: (1). To find out whether the Small Group Discussion technique is effective to improve the writing ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA Kristen I Kupang. (2). To find out the students level of writing after being taught by using Small Group Discussion Technique. The technique used was Small Group Discussion. The aim of the technique is to write a procedure text which is commonly used on the daily activity. In this study the writer used Small Group Discussion technique to find out the improvements of writing procedure text made by the eleventh grade student of SMA Kristen I Kupang. The subject of this study was the eleventh grade students of SMA Kristen I Kupang. The total number of the eleventh grade students of SMA Kristen I Kupang especially class IPA I was 20. The writer chose class IPA I as the sample of this study. In collecting the data, the writer used writing test. The topics were: How to Make a Cup of Tea in the pre - test, and the post- test was How to Make a Cup of Coffee, How to Make a Cup of milk, How to Make a Cup of instant coffee. Standard of measurements of writing are: grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form or organization. The aspects evaluated by the writer are, grammar, vocabulary and form. And the scoring for three aspects are: 1-3 in categorized as bad, 4- 6 is categorized as below average, 7-9 in categorized as average, 10-12 in categorized as above average, 13-15 in categorized as very good and 16-18 in categorized as excellent. 18 in categorized as excellent because it calculated from 3 apect, score from each apect was 1 to 6. The tests used in this study were pre – test and post – test. Based on the analysis of the data, the writer concludes that Small Group Discussion Technique is effective in teaching writing procedure text. There are significant different in the result of teaching writing by using Small Group Discussion and without Small Group Discussion Technique are follows. The students‟ level of writing procedure text in the pre – test is 11, 25 (above average) while in the post – test is 14, 65 (very good). The pre – test was given before they had been taught using Small Group Discussion Technique, and post–test was given after they were taught by using Small Group Discussion Technique. Based on the result of the study, the writer would like to propose some suggestions as follows: 1. The English teacher should pay attention to students‟ characteristic by giving them Small Group Discussion Technique to make them easier to learn English particularly in writing procedure text. 2. The English teacher should help students to develop their writing skills in some aspect such as grammar, vocabulary and form. This three aspects are more important in help student in writing. This study shows that the teaching of writing Small Group Discussion Technique is effective but the next researcher is expected when doing the same study by applying more than one cycle just to guarantee the effectiveness of using this technique.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: S.Kom Sela Mikado
Date Deposited: 07 Sep 2022 06:08
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022 06:08

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