Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Materi Pokok Usaha Dan Energi Pada Peserta Didik Kelas XI IPA 1 Semester Ganjil SMA Negeri 6 Kupang Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

TANU, Maria Yanti Juan (2015) Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Materi Pokok Usaha Dan Energi Pada Peserta Didik Kelas XI IPA 1 Semester Ganjil SMA Negeri 6 Kupang Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira.

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Direct Instructional Model is a model that is specifically design to develop the learners' learning activities related to aspects of procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge are structured properly that can be learned step by step. The main issue problem in this research is how the result of the application of Direct Learning Model of the subject matter of effort and energy for the XI IPA 1 grade students of unneven semester of Senior High School six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016? Specifically problems in this study were, (1) How does teacher’s abbility to manage the learning that implemented Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of a effort and energy for the XI IPA 1 grade students semester 1 Senior High School of six (6) Kupang in academic years 2015/2016? (2) How does completeness indicator learning outcomes of students by implementing Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of effort and energy for XI IPA 1 grade students of uneven semester of Senior High Shcool of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016? (3) How does mastery learning outcomes of students by implementing Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of effort and enegy for XI IPA 1 grade students of uneven semester of Senior High Shcool of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016? (4) How does the learners response of the learning activities against that usu the Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of effort and energy for XI IPA 1 grade students of uneven semester of Senior High Shcool of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016? The purpose of this research is to describe the result of the application of Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of effort and energy for the XI IPA 1 grade students uneven semester of the Senior High School of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016. In detail purpose of this study are (1) To describe the te’chers' abbility to manage that learning that applies Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of effort and energy for XI IPA 1 grade students of uneven semester of Senior High Shcool of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016. (2) To describe the completeness indicator learning outcomes of the students by implementing Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of effort and energy for XI IPA 1 grade students of uneven semester of Senior High Shcool of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016. (3) To describe the completeness learning outcomes of the students by implementing Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of effort and energy for XI IPA 1 grade students of uneven semester of Senior High Shcool of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016. (4) To describe the response of students to the learning activities that use Direct Learning Model on the subject matter of effort and energy for XI IPA 1 grade students of uneven semester of Senior High Shcool of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016. The kind of this research is a descriptive research. The subject research were teachers (researcher) and the students of XI IPA 1 grade uneven semester of the Senior High School of six Kupang in academic years 2015/2016 that amounting 33 respondent. Data collection techniques are observation, test and questionaires. While the instrument used in this study observation sheet management of learning, achievement test (product, affective, and psychomotor) and form response of learners. The analysis technique of the result that used in this study is a descriptive analysis includes calculation of avarange score, proportions, and percentages. Based on the result of the statistikal analysis descriptive of the research data that in general the application of Direct Learning Model is optimal for the subject matter of effort and energy for the XI IPA 1 grade students of uneven semester of the Senior High School of six Kupang in academic year 2015/2016 totaling 33 learners in detail: (1) Teacher’s ability to manage the learning activities by applying Direct Learning Model that includes: planning learning device, planning learning evaluation and implementation of learning is good with get score levels 3,93. (2) Indicators of learning outcomes (product, affective and psychomotor) that are prepared completely because to have criteria ≥ 0,75 with levels proportion (0,91, 0,96 dan 0,97). (3) Learning outcomes of students (product, affective and psychomotor) ) that are prepared completely because to have criteria ≥ 0,75 with levels proportion (0,92, 0,97 dan 0,98). (4) Learners response to the implementation of learning activities by applying Direct Learning Model includes Five aspects, namely: (1) Preliminary activities, (2) the core activities, (3) the covering activities, (4) Time manegement, (5) classroom atmosphere. The fifth aspects get the total averange percentage is 90,45% with the excellent category.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Q Science > QC Physics
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
Depositing User: S.Kom Sela Mikado
Date Deposited: 16 Sep 2022 05:46
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2022 05:46

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